Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Songs That Speak

There are songs out there that truly speak to people. So much music these days are nonsense with no real meaning behind them. Every once in a while though, there will be a song released that really connects with people. The music and lyrics make a person stop and think about how it relates to them.

In my humble opinion, this song describes my feelings perfectly. Its about three years old, but is still one of my husbands and my favorites, simply because we are best friends and are 100% in love. Its a beautiful life to live. =)

Take a listen if you don't already know the song. Its rather comforting if you are separated from your best friend for whatever reason.

No letters since husband went back into a training company. He IS graduating on July 27th though, so its only a little more than two months until he is home.

1 comment:

  1. Lucky really is a great song. I'm new to your blog but I'm looking forward to reading more- you definitely have an interesting life to share :)
