Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Back Home!

Well, after a long weekend in my hometown, visiting the in-laws, I am finally home and ready to take a nose dive into my bed.

I went to two Memorial Day BBQ's and had homemade ice cream, which was delicious. Very vanilla-y! Baby sure did like it, thats for sure.

Speaking of baby, he spent the entire weekend with his foot jammed up into my ribs, making it almost impossible to breathe, which is hard enough with a ton of pollen floating in the air. Thank you my slightly sadistic son...

Excellent news though; Dannys new platoon won the drill competition (the marching stuff) and managed to earn himself a two minute phonecall home. I had resigned myself to not hearing from him till the end of bootcamp, so it was very surprising to answer my phone and hear "hey honey!"

And of course, the first question he asked was "How is the baby?"

I love that man. He loves his son so much even though he has never been the sort of guy that was excited about kids. This kid is already his entire world.

So, ladies, it is possible for your recruit to earn himself a call home. It wont be long but it is absolutly worth being attached to a phone. It is very comforting to hear his (or her) voice after weeks of separation.

So hold onto that phone! You never know when you could get that call!

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