Saturday, May 5, 2012

Is My Husband Going to Change?

I had a strange dream last night that has really struck a chord in me and I am sure is a concern for most wives with recruits.

Is bootcamp/The Marines going to irrevocably change my husband? Is he going to be a man different from whom I fell in love with?

I dreamed that when my husband came back from bootcamp, there was a copy of him as well. One copy had all of my husbands best qualities, including his amazing kindness and unfailing devotion. The other was solemn and cold. They were both my husband, but niether were complete. I had to be married to both of them and eventually, in the dream, it tore me apart to try to meet both copies needs.

At this point, I dont know how my husband will change. When I spoke to him on the phone, he seemed mostly the same. He did curse without having a reason to, which is new. But not horrible. I can live with a foul mouth. But that was only after three weeks of bootcamp.

What is three months in the Marine Corp going to send home to me?

Three years?


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