Sunday, May 6, 2012

I Dont Have Much Faith in Recruiters

Before my husband left for San Diego, he filled out a power of attorney, a document which allows me to fill out paperwork on his behalf. Very important to have if you are trying to enroll in Tricare. For those who don't know, Tricare is the insurance of the military.

Anyways, he filled one out the day he left for San Diego. We had it notarized by a family friend and gave it to Danny's recruiter. I must have had a lapse in sanity; why on earth did I let that paper out of my sight? The recruiters are not very reliable.

This wasn't the first time we have had trouble with one.

Danny's first recruiter (who was reassigned I think...) was incapable of keeping track of time. I can think of five different instances where we had to call him to remind him of meetings we had scheduled. He was a nice guy, just didn't seem to be very focused on his job.

The second guy is also very nice! He is very helpful and hasn't really messed up. The problem is that he doesn't seem to know what the heck is going on with the PoA. He says that I should have it. Which made me a little bit upset. The last time I saw it was as Danny was walking into the recruiters office to leave for MEPS.

So that means that either the recruiters have it and misplaced it or its lost at MEPS. Either way, I am very upset. It was a lot of work to get that PoA signed and notarized. How could they just lose it?

Not just lose it, but make no efforts to correct the situation. Come on guys, I am seven months pregnant. I really need insurance! They have been trying to figure this out for a week and still nothing. If I dont hear from them by monday morning(tomorrow) I am going to the office and demanding that they fix this. I dont know how they are going to do it.

I hope it doesn't come down to having to call San Diego and have danny sign the form again and fax it up here. I doubt that would look good to the DI's.

So my recommendation: Dont trust the recruiters to keep track of anything. Dont leave any important papers with them (anything!) and make sure you keep them aware.

OR maybe I am just unlucky. Maybe most recruiters rock and have superb track records and I got the irresponsible ones.


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