Thursday, May 3, 2012

Don't Know What to Say

Im not ashamed to admit that I lead a boring life. Mostly thats because I am unemployed.

I am very good friends with TLC and ABC Family, which is downright pathetic. I enjoy watching Secret Life of the American Teenager and I Did't Know I was Pregnant. Well, I dont really enjoy watching them, but I cant seem to look away. Like when your driving on the freeway and there is an accident and you actually slow down so you can watch whats going on. You WANT to look away, but you just can not.

Anyways, I find myself with nothing to write about in my letters to Danny. I tell him about the baby and what interesting articles I read about, but I am running out of material! Its not that I dont have anything to say ("I love you!"), its that I just dont have anything interesting to say. I could write pages and pages of sweet sentiments but eventually he is going to get sick of reading that.

I mean, I am sure he would appreciate every letter, but it wouldn't be the motivation that he needs. It wouldn't provide distraction from the pains of boot camp, which he probably needs a lot of at this.

So what do I write now? I dont have doctor appointments for another week for so and the news has been pretty boring.

Any ideas would be appreciated! In the meantime, I will simply keep telling him about my day. Maybe I will start writing down memories from our life together and just keep reminding him why he is doing this.

On a side note, when do I start to get celebrating mothers day? I know I am not one yet, but I am pretty sure that I am feeling the exhaustion levels....

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