My husband got paid this morning and I got to wake up to the best thing ever; a twinkie. He woke up super early, went to the store and got me a twinkie, all before I even cracked an eyelid.
Possibly the sweetest man in the world! I love twinkies and we usually only buy them when we have a bit of extra cash, but he set aside money this paycheck to buy me a treat.
So now I am curled up on the couch watching him play Mass Effect 3, a video game series that he just loves, eating my twinkie. I think I might be the luckiest woman in the world!
On a more sad note, my sister made me watch this music video by Carrie Underwood, "Just a Dream". It made me pretty sad and I teared up. But I can understand why she wanted me to watch it. Her fiance is considering joining the airforce, so of course she is super worried about him and what could happen. I hope she is doing okay, but she doesn't really get gushy about her feelings.
Well, I am terrified about what could happen to my husband, but I comfort myself with the thoughts that he gonna look really freaking handsome in his dress blues! And maybe since he is in communications, he might not ever do anything to dangerous...(I might be a little bit deluded)
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