Danny worked today, so he was gone before I woke up. Poor guy : (
So I am going to spend today doing laundry, helping my sister with her wedding registry, and possibly plant some basil. I love growing things. Not a ton of things just the fun stuff. Tomatoes, pumpkins, strawberries, etc. The bad thing about Spokane, WA is that its COLD! The last frost usually falls somewhere in may, so that is a very small growing season.
Pumpkins are my favorite thing to grow. They are a very hardy plant; no matter what you do to them, they just keep growing. Basically, give them water and sun, and you will have pumpkins in a about 2 months.
I enjoy pumpkins because they are so much fun to carve and decorate with in the fall. Store bought pumpkins seem to go rotten really quickly and the seeds are not very tasty.
Very cool information I have come into recently: there are two different types of seeds for everthing; heirloom or hybrids. Hybrids are seeds that have been genetically modified to be resistant to pests, to grow larger, but as a side effect, are very poor plants on their second year. I dont know if this is intentional, in order to make growers come back to sellers every year for seeds, or if its just a consequence of bigger/better/faster/stronger.
Heirlooms are the opposite. They are the pure seeds. No modifications or interfering. You buy them at nurseries or online (more expensive) and they will last you for as long as your plants live. Year after yearm, they will continue to bear fruit. Keep in mind though that they wont be as large or good looking. Organic food isnt usually pretty, but its natural, which I guess is the important thing.
I personally dont care if food is organic. I just think its a better deal in the long run to buy a plant that will KEEP growing instead of a plant that will give you really good fruit for only one year, and I love a deal.
At this point though, I dont know if I should start planting stuff indoors. I already have strawberries started, so it has to be tomatoes OR pumpkins. Tomatoes are fragile but pumpkins are so much easier to transplant. Plus, I have to get the husbands "okay" before I go buy stuff. If I was working, I wouldn't think twice, but now that I am out of a job, I sort of feel like I need to run purchases past him. Not small ones, like a soda, but anything over $20 gets his nod.
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