Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Something that just occured to me

So I have been reading some posts by other wifes of marines and I have noticed a trend; they all seem to be very attractive. Like, hot enough for me to take notice, and I dont usually bother with this stuff.

Are there no military spouses that have a few extra pounds or maybe some unsightly mole? I mean, am I doomed to feeling inferior when I am living on base somewhere, neighbors to these skinny and perfectly manicured trophy wives???

So I guess this leaves me with a couple of options:

1) Get in shape. Greatttt....Salads instead of yummy savory steaks and an hour on the eliptical every morning. Sounds like a load of fun.

2) Get over myself. My husband married me the way I am, 20 pounds extra and all, and who am I trying to impress? Oh yeah, just the tons of apparently attractive women who will soon be my neighbors and mental rivals. I know that I dont need to feel threatened by other women, but I cant shake the thought that if Miss Sexy Marine woman over there were to walk past my husband, he wouldn't stop and stare.

So is my vanity worth delicious steaks and Micky-D french fries? Im not unhealthy, just not in peak physical condition...are a few guily pleasures WORTH feeling like I am able to compete with women who aren't actually competing with me???

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