Wednesday, March 14, 2012

53 Days until Basic

So this is Wednesday and according to my online countdown timer, it is 53 days until my husband leaves for basic in San Diego, California. That means that it is 142 days until my husband graduates, recieves his globe and anchor, and gets 10 days of leave.

It doesn't feel very long when I look at just the numbers. But then I think very hard about how long that actually is. Less than two months till he is gone and almost five months before we are no longer 100% separated. Well that is assuming that his job school is longer than six months, and it is one that I am allowed to go with him to.

Yeah, I found that out last night. When Danny finally enlisted back in December, the recruiters and his mother (a retired marine) made it sound as if I was allowed to go with him, as long as he was stationed somewhere for 6 months for longer. Last night, Danny says that there are certain job schools where I am not allowed to go with him, regardless of the length of the school.


Deep breathes....Deep breathes....

I can handle this. I know I can. Once he is a Marine, he could be deployed somewhere for a year or more. I knew this was possible when we first talked to the recruiter.

Interesting though how quickly I got over it. Before Danny brought the military into our lives, I had no patience and I reallllly didn't like situations I couldn't control. Now that I have heard the phrase "Hurry up and wait" I have really noticed a change in my control issues. At the time, I didnt take it seriously. But now, with the recruiters constantly changing PT schedules and no one telling us anything specific about basic and when it will be over, I think I am getting used to it. I may just have to stop being my pushy, controlling self and let Danny and his recruiters handle everything.

So I am doing the only thing I can do; find a job. I haven't been employed for three months and its down to crunchtime. I HAVE to find a job before Danny leaves for basic, otherwise, I wont be able to support myself or pay for plane tickets in August.

Deep breathes...deep breathes...

Well, I will be back tomorrow. Danny has promised me he will call his recruiter and ask some questions about job school for Communications. We dont know his specific MOS yet, but maybe they can offer some ballpark figures as far as job school length and location. I just really hope its not some awful place in the slums of california. But if it meant being with him, I suppose I would be willing to live in a shack.
The Husband with his kitty

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