Friday, June 15, 2012

That Power of Attorney sure was useful!

Before my husband left for bootcamp, we decided it would be a good idea to purchase a new vehicle when he got back because our 1994 Honda Accord wasn't really suitable for a newborn. We decided that we wanted to stick with Honda, but upgrade to a CRV. But we were going to wait until he got home so that we would have enough money to make a good down payment.

Well I have found the car a month early. Its a wonderful deal and its everything that I want. The biggest perk is that its RIGHT at our ideal price.

So of course I am trying to get it, but the dealership can only do so much when its me promising to have the money soon. Basically they are willing to give me the car if I can write a check for $3000 and let them cash it within 30 days.

But I dont have a check and I am not even sure that Danny will have that much money in his Marine Federal Credit Union account. So I am using my nifty Power of Attorney to add myself to my husbands account so that I can transfer money from his account to my account after seeing if there was enough to buy the car AND leave him spending money.

So I wanted to share that if you have a power of attorney for your recruit, you can contact MFCU and add yourself to their account. They will ask for your original PoA (they will return it), a copy of your ID and SSN card, as well as your recruits SSN. They don't need your recruits SSN card or a copy of it, just the number so they can look the account up and add you. Also, your address and phone number.

I suggest making a copy of your PoA before you send your original, just in case. I dont know if a copy will work for anything, but it cant hurt to have for your records.

1 comment:

  1. If you have an embossed seal on the POA, lightly go over it with a pencil so it will show up on scans and faxes. That is the easiest way, you should never have to give away the original.
