Thursday, June 7, 2012

I want him OUT!

I am thirty-four weeks along today and I am sick and tired of being pregnant. This kid constantly has his feet jammed into my ribs or his head pressing on my bladder and I am at the end of my rope! If this kid doesn't get out of me soon, Im going to blow a gasket. I am dying for a full nights sleep or even the ability to eat a meal without feeling urpy because there is no room in my abdomen for my stomach.

On a happier note, I finally got a letter from my hubby today. He is enjoying Camp Pendelton so far but is surprised how dusty and dirty it is. I suppose it makes sense since CP is partially in the Mojave Desert, but its unfortunate for him because he and his platoon have to do a ton of cleaning. He is starting to plan his way home though. He mailed both me and his mother concerning flight plans for his graduation date, even though its still about a month and a half away. His mother and I are butting heads about his travel though; she wants him to fly to where she lives and I want him to fly home. She has some baloney reason about money for it, but I know she just wants him to herself. Plus she was being really condescending tonight, not a way she usually treats me.

It was a really frustrating converstion. But the information to take away is that it is not up to the family to take care of travel for their recruit. He/she will have access to a travel agency and will either mail or call you to inform you of their travel plans, so you can plan accordingly.

1 comment:

  1. Since you're new the the whole Marine Corps experience, I'll give you a little quote from one of the men who made The Corps what it is today. It always makes my wife feel better when it seems like the world's against us.
    "We're surrounded....well that simplifies things."
    -Chesty Puller
