I got a phonecall today at about 2:00 pm from my husband. There is good news and bad news.
The good news is that he is being moved from PCP to Kilo Company tomorrow to resume training.
The bad news is that he won't graduate until July 27th. One week after my due date...bummer. I was really hoping that Danny would be back in time to see our baby boy be born, but chances are that he will only get to see pictures. I wish he was going to be here. I am really going to need some help when the baby comes. It would be great if it could be babys dad. -sad-
But at least he is back on track for graduation! He is back in training which means he is healthy, strong and ready to push through.
Stopping by to say hi! From one marine wife to another! Im your newest follower! you can follow back at: tristascreations.blogspot.com and silkspacreations.blogspot.com