I spoke to the husband very briefly today and he is being released back to the Recruiting Depot. When I spoke to him, he was already dressed in his cammies and had just been delivered his "chow." I guess chow is Marine for food.
So we spoke only briefly because he said he had to eat before he was discharged. So I told him I loved him, etc. Normal mushy stuff.
But later, I got an email from my husbands aunt, who is a chaplain down in San Diego area. She has the strings to pull that she was allowed to go into his hospital room to visit him. So she went and visited him and has reported back to me that he is being released back, on light duty. We had previously thought he was going to be sent into the Medical Rehabilitation Platoon, which he still might be, but all we know for sure at this point is that he is definetly getting a week of not having to do PT. So at least he will have an opportunity to get better before going back to regular training.
So what I cant seem to find on any internet forum is the difference between MRP and Light Duty? How will his graduation date be affected?
I just got a call, with very bad reception, from my husband telling me that he has been dropped into MRP. However, he must have been on a time limit because he didnt tell me when he was going to be moved back into a regular company. Then the call dropped.
Yeah, it dropped before he could relay any real information.
So you know what I did? I called back. And I got an answer. And this person said they were my husband. But It did NOT sound like him, and I know his voice. But when I asked "my husband" what had happened, I got a very garbled response ending with, "I will call you tomorrow."
I dont like this. I feel like someone was posing as him, because when I said "I love you" this strange voice hesitated. My mother-in-law says its just because PDA is not allowed, but I hardly thing a hearty "I love you" is PDA...Maybe I just havent adjusted yet. In my defense, I have only gotten one letter, so any contact with him is like a blessing from God.
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