Saturday, March 17, 2012

Thinking About Plans that Should be Made

I have a problem that has no easy fix. I need to make plans, but doing so feels naughty. I am trying to find a job, so as to support myself during the husbands bootcamp, but doing so basically requires me to lie about how long I intend to work there. I cant exactly walk into an interview and say "Well, I really need this job now, but I might be leaving in three-ish months."

Who in their right mind would pay to hire and train someone who wont return on the investment? Is this same issue going to crop up wherever we go in the next four or eight years? If so, what is the point of getting a college degree in something when a potential employer is just going to look at my application/resume and see tons of jobs/locations?

So how do the fully initated military spouses handle this? At this point, I consider myself in pre-school (pre-basic/post-enlistment). I wish there was a website specifically for experienced women or men to offer advice and information to spouses who are blindly being thrown into this lifestyle. No one in my family was or is a soldier, so I have NO idea how to handle this stuff. I have seen dozens of responses on yahoo answers for "what to expect" but none of them really seem helpful.

Maybe it really IS an initation type of thing! Maybe once my husband graduates all of the marine spouses will kidnap me out of my bed and make me endure some sort of alcohol related hazing (wouldn't mind that) and then they will finally tell me what the hell I am supposed to be doing.

Does anyone think it would be inappropriate to go and harass my husbands recruiter? I mean, if I bother them for long enough, wont they tell me whats up if only to get rid of me? I would...

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