Thursday, June 21, 2012

Married to a guy who can Shoot WELL!

Excellent news! I finally got another letter from the husband and he has disclosed his Rifle Qualification score.


He qualified as an expert with his M16 A4 and says he probably could have done even better if it hadn't been raining on the test day. When I got the letter (dated fathers day), I had no idea what experft meant, so off to google I went. Here are the levels of qualification:

Marksman: 190-209
Sharpshooter: 210-219
Expert: 220-250

The score is out of 250 points and their qualification is based off of shooting in different positions at targets from different distances.

I am so proud of him! I was worried that he was going to worry about it so much that he would score badly just due to worrying; basically talk himself out of a good score. I just asked my Dad what most people score, and he says that expert isn't easy to get, so that means that my husband must be doing well and working hard.

He doesn't report much else except apprehension about the baby coming and excitement over being so close to the end. I just hope he keeps his chin up for the next 35 days.

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