Saturday, March 30, 2013

The Glorious Return

Hello everyone!

I hope I didnt lose all my readers with my extremely long absence. I want to provide some highlights of the last few months;
  1. I moved to Camp Lejeune, NC
  2. Two weeks after moving here, I got pancreatitis and gall stones. Was in the hospital for a week
  3. Had to send Grayson BACK to WA with my family while I was in surgery,then recovering.
  4. Flew back to WA to retrieve my son
  5. Came back, got a dog named Carly
  6. Husband is now gone again to Yuma, AZ for 5 weeks.
So, as you can tell, its been a busy busy time.

However, for my glorious return to blogging, I would like to describe Jacksonville/ Camp Lejeune to all my readers, especially the ones who are on their way here.

Camp lejeune and the city of jacksonville are smashed right up against eachother. Terrawa Terrace (base housing) is literally across from the main street in jacksonville. Jacksonville is basically one long street as far as I can tell. Western Blvd houses all your big box stores, as well as the mall, the theatre, and every fast food joint you can imagine.

On the road into the base, called Lejeune Blvd, are a billion pawn shops. And the lovely icing on the cake is the strip bar called "Driftwood". If it wouldnt get me thrown in jail, I would burn that place down. Its the first thing you see when your leaving base and going into town. Its awful.

Anyways, Camp lejeune itself is pretty decent. The commissary and MCX are centrally located, especially if you live on base. However, if you live in Terrawa Terrace or Midway park, you have about a 10-15 minute drive to get there. TT and Midway are "base housing" but arent technically connected. You have to leave the housing area and go through the main base gate to get "on base". The neighborhood here at Midway Park is very quiet. People seem to keep to themselves a lot though. There are some nice ammenities though. We have a few dog parks, lots of playgrounds, a convenience store, and a chapel. Plus, its not huge like TT. Its sort of the suburbs of Camp Lejeune.

Housing here seems to be decent. I havent been inside TT's houses, but they look nice from the outside. Midway Park housing is all really new. My house has only had one person in it before me and was built in 2011. It is a bummer to have to go through the main gate traffic to get on base though. I have only been in the housing area for officers once, but I actually wasnt impressed. The homes looked rather old and worn.

Anyways, I have to go. The little boy (8 months old now!) is waking up and he is going to want a bottle.

Next time, I hope to share the Buy/ Sell/ Trade business her at Lejeune. Its sure to be fascinating for all you deal hunters.If your not sure its for you, let me amaze you with some of my finds!

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