Friday, March 23, 2012

Huge news!

I have excellent news and I cant wait to share. However, before I spill the beans, I need to explain my story so that everyone can understand just how big of a miracle it is.

I am 21 years old and I haven't had a period in a year. I was told when I was about 16 that I had a large cyst on my left ovary. For the last six-ish years, I have been living under the impression that the chances of me having a child without going through invitro or something were very slim. So when I got married about a year and a half ago, I didnt think for a second that I needed to be using birth control or condoms. I mean, why spend money when the chances were nearly astronomical?

So like I said, its been since April 2011 that I have not had a period. No spotting, nothing.

Not really all that strange when you have a cyst. Those things mess with horomones like crazy. A year was longer than usual, but a skipped period or four was nothing to worry about. So I have spent the last year going about my business, taking the occasional pregnancy test when I thought I had a symptom that worried me (unexplained throwing up, etc).

Four days ago, I began to have very severe shooting pains in my abdomen. I thought it was just the cyst bursting, except that usually feels more like pressure instead of shooting. So after two days of pain, I said to my husband "Okay fine, lets go to the ER. What if its something worse?"

We got there and waited for THREE hours in those God awful chairs until finally they called me back. They took blood, had me pee in a cup, and dress in that awful gown that shows your rear. After that the doctor came in and asked what was going on. I told him about the pain and the lack of periods. He told me to wait on the bloodwork and left.

Long story short, he came back in and told me that I was testing positive for pregnant.


"WHAT?! Thats impossible! I haven't had a period in almost a year!" Thats about what I said(loudly) along with the usual sayings associated with shock. My husband is standing to my right, gaping like a fish while my mother is to my left looking like someone just told her that she was the heir to a large fortune.

Then I started freaking out because WebMD (day before) had said that my pain was one of two things:
A) A bursting cyst
B) An Ectopic pregnancy.
I proceeded to tell the doctor what WebMD had said and he chuckled saying that I had no idea how many people came in every day because of that website. I wasn't laughing.

So I am now sobbing, my mom is sobbing, and my husband is tearing up. We are all on the edge.

Then a lady came into the room and said she was taking me downstairs for an ultrasound so we could see what was going on.

Down we went and they Ultrasound tech took her wand and squirted that cold gel on my stomach and started poking me.

At first we didnt see anything. Just the shifting grays. Until she says "Oh. Yup, there is a baby in there! And he is rather big!"

Praise the Lord, it was okay. He/she was perfect and awake and moving around. I just about died in that hospital bed from happiness.

Eventually I found out that I was about 23 weeks along and was going to be having a baby boy on July 19, which I laughed at because that is one week before my sisters wedding.

So there is my huge news. Almost half way in, I found out I was having a baby!

I will be back in a couple of days with more news. My family is still in shock, as am I. I have mostly been going from worrying to being excited the last day and a half, so I will have more news ASAP.

Pray for me! And him. We like the name Aiden.

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